Today we woke up at 5:50 am and greeted the group from Illinois. I then went to the grocery store and bought breakfast for the group. After that I started making potato salad for lunch. I was in charge of making lunch for the whole group. We ate lunch about 1230pm in the central zone church building. After lunch we worshiped together for awhile and then Elizabeth explained to the group the schedule of events while they are here. Some of us walked down to the rio after that and swam for awhile. At 8pm we had lamb asado with Elizabeth's host parents-Humberto & Monica.
1-3-09 Day 36
Today we left for Darwin at 830am. This is the town the team from Illinois will be working in. The church building needs some more construction, so that is what we will be doing. My job today was to dig up weeds around the building and thorn bushes to make the yard look nicer. I also helped varnish brick. Nathan was helping on the roof and was also mixing cement. In the afternoon we all went to Juan's house to swim and have supper.
1-4-09 Day 37
Today all of the church zones met for worship together at the rio at 930am. It was such a beautiful day to worship the Lord outside in the beauty of creation. We packed a picnic lunch and ate at the rio and swam there in the afternoon. In the evening Nathan and I brought supper to the people from IL who are staying at Delbert and Frieda's house. We played cards and ate supper together.
1-5-09 Day 38
Today we worked in Darwim again. I varnished bricks mostly. We ate choriso's there in Darwin and then came home for a siesta. In the evening we went to the West zone chuch for their meeting. Andreas and Faviola talked for awhile (they are missionaries from C.O.) & Jeff and Ray talked awhile. We then ate supper there about 11pm and then walked home.
1-6-09 Day 39
Today we were in Darwin again. Nathan helped work on the roof and I varnished bricks. The girls then helped make lunch. Homemade spaghetti noodles and sauce with bread and salad. It was amazingly delicious. Muy rico!! Tonight we went to the North zone for worship and supper. I got to hold one of the church members baby. YEAH!
1-7-09 Day 40
We worked again in Darwin and are making good progress. There was alot of man power going on but not as much for the girls to do. Rebecca and I went to the house where the ladies were making lunch, so we helped out. We ate lunch and then came home and took a very short siesta. Then we went to Juan's house at 4pm. People swam, talked together and used the computer, etc. Tonight we walked to the South zone church for their time of worship and to eat supper together. We were able to make more connections with people tonight at the south zone and that felt very great.
1-8-09 Day 41
Our last day to work in Darwin and much has been accomplished on this building. It's great to see the fruit of our labor. Each morning we would start off with prayer and worship time and then work until noon or 1pm, eat lunch and then head home. It's been great to work along side brothers and sisters who will actually be doing ministry in this building. Tonight we had some free time, so Nathan and I cleaned up our apartment and packed for our mission trip we will take this weekend.
This morning we all (18 of us....5 in a car and 13 in the van) packed up and headed south to Las Grutas. While we were there we were able to swim in the ocean for about three hours. The day was very warm and the ocean was crystal clear & very beautiful. After that we stopped for some icecream and then headed on to P.M. to eat supper with the missionaries who have started a good work in this city. We left there about midnight and made our way to S.G. to sleep for the nihgt. Miguel and Angela are the missionaries in S.G. and they had gone with us on our four day trip in December so it was great to see them again.
1-10-09 Day 43
Today we got up and Nathan discovered a scorpion right by our matress where we were sleeping last night. God protected us thru the night. God also gave Nathan a verse in his dreams last night- Matthew 5:3. Today we got up and had some free time. At 11am we worshipped together. There was lots of sharing and crying as the Holy Spirit ministered to each one of us right where we were at. The young people of our group shared why we chose to come to Argentina.
1-11-09 Day 44
Today we left L.B. and headed out on another very bumpy dirt road for another hour to Pa. There we worshipped with the small church that is starting there. Nathan and I had been here before so it was great to be able to go back and see people we had seen before. Nathan made friends with a little boy last time and this time was able to give him a soccer ball. After that we headed another hour on a bumpy dirt road to a small town called A.C. There we ate lunch with another team that had come from home. After we ate lunch with them we headed home for another 3.5 hours of traveling. On our way home the weather got stormy, rainy and very windy. It made me nervous driving in this kind of weather and after we passed a car wrapped around a telephone pole with emergency vehicles all around it confirmed my nervousness. However, God kept us safe and I was so thankful to be home after our long weekend of travel. In the evening at 7pm we went to the central building for all zones to worship together. Juan introduced the whole group from IL and Nathan and I were able to say to the whole congregation how we appreciate the friendships we have made thus far. We sang a couple of songs for them in English and then Ray gave the message that evening.
1-12-09 Day 45
This morning we did some laundry (back to washing it by hand) which took a good part of the morning. In the afternoon we walked to the south zone church building for lucnh and then in the afternoon 4:30-7pm we had a PMP partnership meeting with us from IL and the Mennonite pastors from surrounding towns here in Argentina. The IL group shared about what is happening in Galesburg and Mt. Vernon and the Argentine group shared about what is happening here with some of their outreaches. In the evening about 9pm some of us walked to a nice restaurant in town for supper. It was really fun to be with the IL group and to be able to talk more with them.
1-13-09 Day 46
This morning all of us went shopping around town. This was the first time I had been in so many shops here. I definently felt more like a tourist today. After we went shopping Jeff, Cindy and kids came over for lunch with us and then after lunch we took a siesta. This evening at 8pm we all went back to Darwin for a service of dedication for the church building that we were able to help finish and construct last week. They even showed pictures of the very beginning of construction and then pictures of last week when we helped continue the construction. We sang together, Rafael had some words about the history of the church buiding in Darwin and we took pictures of the team of people that were helping last week. After that we ate supper together and then went home about 12:30am
1-14-09 Day 47
Today is the last day that the team from IL will be here and we spent a good part of it resting and recouperating from such a fast pace. Nathan said he's ready to get back to the Argentine pace of life when the IL team is gone. We've definently been quite busy these last two weeks with familiar people around. This evening everyone met in the central church building for a time of worship and farewell to the IL group. There were lots of hugs and lots of good byes said. We ate a light supper with them and then walked to the bus station to see the IL group off. Their bus was supposed to leave at 11:20pm however the bus was running late and didn't show up until 1:00am, so needless to say we were tired and ready to go to bed after saying good bye the the IL group. It was so great having them here for the last two weeks and much was accomplished for the glory of God while they were here. What a privledge to be a part of the good work that God is doing here.
Jen and Nate,the pictures are wonderful. they give a very good idea of your surroundings.Love the house pics-Looks much better than Haiti! The dogs and garbage are familiar to me! You guys look healthy and happy , Praise God for your safety! Have had such a blessign as prayer partner with Nancy. Had our final meeting and decided although we would get new partners we could not stop praying for each other as nhas been our habit this past year! Frank has been in Houston and bringing back our grandson since I can't leave here dad is very weak and can't go much longer. It is such a journey for us. Blessings to you and get some rest after the IL group. Did I see Jacob Good? He and Michael Dean are form Frank's home church in Fisher.Be glad not to be here-20 below tonight! Love and prayers, Linda
Hey Jennifer and Nate!!
Norm and I just checked out your pics that you posted this week - thanks so much for sharing those!! It is sooo awesome to get a glimpse of where you're at and who you are working with in Argentina -God is so good and we're so excited for you guys! It is very neat to see what you are doing in a different part of God's kingdom -very beautiful country!! You guys look like you are having a blast! I loved seeing pics that brought out both of your personalities - made us laugh up here :) It was great reading more about your time in Darwin and praise the Lord for what He is doing there! Also, praise Him for your safety from the scorpions (can totally believe them being Nathan's pets) and scary storm. You guys are always in our prayers!!!
Love you both and miss you!!
Norm and Kristen
Linda, thanks for responding to our post. I'm glad that you and my mom were prayer partners for this year. What a blessing. Jacob Good is the one who came with Nathan and I here and he will be staying until July. Michael Dean has been here before and Jeff Ressler and his family were part of the IL group that came these past couple of weeks. We wish you God's blessings as well.
Norm & Kristen,
thanks for responding to our post. It was great fun actually being able to post pictures on our blogspot. It is so beautiful here and we are enjoying our time here. Blessings to you both!
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